
Important Update

A dispute resulting in a lawsuit between the 2 FFT training organizations was recently resolved with the outcome that there is one FFT model and 2 FFT training providers.

Here is a joint statement concerning the resolution of the dispute:

Joint Statement from F.F.T., LLC, FFT Partners, LLC, Functional Family Therapy Associates, Inc., and Thomas Sexton, Ph.D.

F.F.T., LLC, Thomas Sexton, Ph.D., Functional Family Therapy Associates, Inc., and FFT Partners, LLC have resolved disputes between F.F.T., LLC, Thomas Sexton, Ph.D., Functional Family Therapy Associates, Inc., and FFT Partners, LLC regarding the rights of the parties to practice, train, and implement the Functional Family Therapy (“FFTSM”) clinical model of family therapy services, including various adaptations of that clinical model.

The FFTSM clinical model, and the proven benefit it provides to families, is of paramount importance to the parties, all of whom are dedicated to the continued development, enhancement, and evolution of the FFTSM clinical model, including adaptations thereof, for the benefit of youth and families.

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